Chapter 39: Rusty Gun, Evil Spirit


Could there be any hidden secrets regarding Second Grandpa's situation?

Unable to find his soul, Zhang Kai started to suspect.

Luckily, the funeral arrangements and hospitality in the mourning hall were already taken care of by the elders, and he had no role to play there.


Zhang Kai asked a young boy in the village about the location of the incident where Second Grandpa had met his end, then left the village and headed towards Hu Zi Mountain.

The village was situated just a few hundred meters away from the mountain. The entire village was nestled between the valleys, with a width of less than a kilometer. Most of the land was rocky, and only a small portion was suitable for farming.


However, this mountain had its share of game, and in the past, there used to be a river nearby, which provided both water and livelihoods for the village. But nowadays, hunting was restricted, and people had to resort to hunting secretly. The river had also dwindled over the years, and the villagers couldn't fish as they used to. Farming was no match for wage labor, so the village's population had decreased significantly.


Apart from Zhang Kai's father, Zhang Mingren, who made a living from the wilderness around the village and neighboring villages, most people had left for work outside, and some hadn't returned for many years. This resulted in a decline in the village's vibrancy year after year.


But this was a reflection of societal development, an unstoppable trend that no one could halt.

As he journeyed up the mountain, Zhang Kai utilized his lightfoot techniques, gracefully leaping through the forest.

He soon reached a lakeside after a short run. This lake, once the water source of Hu Zi Mountain, was quite spacious, comparable to an ordinary drinking water reservoir. When he was a child, Zhang Kai had thought it was the largest lake in the world.

However, the water level had decreased significantly over the years, now occupying less than a third of its former area.


Zhang Kai recalled some supernatural stories related to Hu Zi Mountain, one of which was about this lake.

The lake was named "Dragon God Lake," and according to legend, a massive python inhabited its depths. It had cultivated for many years, growing horns on its head, and was about to transcend its tribulations to become a dragon.


Zhang Kai remembered some details. Several centuries ago, there was an earth-shattering thunderstorm over Hu Zi Mountain that lasted for three days, with thunder, lightning, and rain pouring down incessantly. Many trees on the mountain were struck by lightning, and the elders said it was when the giant python was undergoing tribulations. Afterward, the sky cleared, and some villagers discovered shattered scales by the lakeside, each as big as a bowl. They claimed these were the scales of the giant python shattered during its tribulations.


There were two theories about the python's fate. One was that it had failed its tribulation, and hence its scales were shattered, while the other suggested that it succeeded, and the shattered scales were replaced by new ones, signifying its transformation into a dragon.


Following these events, several villages in the vicinity had erected temples to the Dragon God, which Zhang Kai had visited during his childhood. However, these temples had been abandoned for many years. The dragon deity's statues were now covered in dust, making it difficult to discern their features.


At this moment, Zhang Kai observed the lake but couldn't sense any spiritual energy.


Continuing along the lakeshore, he eventually arrived at a large mountain called "Front Door Mountain." On top of this mountain stood an abandoned structure, rumored to have been built by bandits who used to occupy the mountain to fend off government troops. In the past, villagers often took shelter here during their hunting trips.


This was where Second Grandpa had met his untimely end after being attacked by wild boars and falling down the mountain, according to the village's account.


However, now Zhang Kai had his doubts about this explanation. As he looked toward Front Door Mountain, he noticed ominous black mists swirling around its peak, exuding a sinister and chilling aura.


Something was amiss here.


With a sharp gaze, Zhang Kai's heart quivered. Second Grandpa, an experienced hunter in the village, couldn't possibly have been knocked down the mountain by wild boars.


Now he was certain that the wild boars were not to blame for Second Grandpa's death.


Without hesitation, he rushed up the mountain, tracing the source of the ominous black mist.


Soon, he arrived at a crumbling old building.


It was made of earth and wood, and although most of it had collapsed, one section remained intact. This was the place where hunters from the village often sought shelter.


In recent years, as hunting became less common, only Second Grandpa would occasionally use this place.


However, at this moment, Zhang Kai found something unsettling. The air inside the room was thick with malevolence and coldness, unlike the usual peaceful atmosphere.


Fearless, Zhang Kai walked inside.


As he searched the area, he quickly discovered the source of the black mist: it was a rifle!


The rifle appeared rusty and somewhat worn, but it struck Zhang Kai with a sense of familiarity. He approached it for a closer look and found a word engraved on the stock.




This was Second Grandpa's rifle!


Upon seeing the word, distant memories flooded back.


Zhang Kai's grandfather also had a rifle, which he had seen when he was a child. That rifle also had a word engraved on its stock.




Not only his grandfather but also Second Grandpa and his three brothers each had a rifle. According to legend, these rifles were passed down by their great-grandfather, who had been a hero on the battlefield and even fought against Japanese invaders. Upon returning to the village, he brought back these four rifles and a significant amount of ammunition.


Each of the four brothers had a character engraved on their rifle stockRong, Hua, Fu, and Gui.


This was a reflection of their great-grandfather's expectations for them, hoping they would use these rifles to support their families and bring prosperity to their loved ones.


However, Zhang Kai's grandfather once mentioned that Second Grandpa had lost his rifle in the mountains. He never explained why it had been lost or why he didn't retrieve it.


Later, even Zhang Kai's grandfather's rifle was confiscated by the government, citing that civilian households were not allowed to keep dangerous weapons.


In Zhang Kai's memory, Second Grandpa always used a bow and arrow for hunting. Therefore, finding Second Grandpa's rifle here was puzzling. How could it have ended up here? It didn't seem like Second Grandpa had hidden it intentionally.


What was even more unsettling was the sinister and cold aura surrounding the rifle.


Was this connected to Second Grandpa's death?


Lost in thought, Zhang Kai reached out and grabbed the rusty rifle. As soon as he touched it, the black mist suddenly surged and wrapped around his wrist.


The black mist seemed to feed on something, expanding several times in an instant, enveloping the area around Zhang Kai. Within the black mist, a pair of bright green eyes appeared, staring at Zhang Kai with resentment and malice.


Zhang Kai was initially startled but quickly realized that this wasn't a fox; it was a yellow weasel!


"Chi-chi! Chi-chi!"


Suddenly, the yellow weasel pounced


 toward Zhang Kai.


With a sharp gaze, Zhang Kai's inner energy surged. He formed a mudra with his hand and began chanting a Buddhist mantra, and in response, a special effect emerged.


While the "Palm of the Tathagata" hadn't been unleashed yet, the special effect had already appeared.


Chanting the mantra with the sound of a bell, behind him, a radiant sun wheel emerged, radiating golden light in all directions.


The yellow weasel, struck by the intense golden light, let out a piercing cry. The black mist started shrinking rapidly, retreating back into the rusty rifle.


"Damn it! How dare you trick me!"


Zhang Kai grabbed the rusty rifle tightly, but as soon as he touched it, the black mist surged again, covering his surroundings. This time, the image of a face appeared in the mist, twisted in agony.


"San'er, San'er, Second Grandpa is in so much pain! Please don't hurt Second Grandpa!"


Second Grandpa!


Seeing the face, Zhang Kai was shocked.