After discovering the existence of the Literary Qi, Zhang Kai naturally didn't hurry to leave. He stayed for an extra day, engaging with Cheng Aimin in various discussions, ultimately confirming one thing.


The new gods were not only new in terms of their divine status, but their power system was entirely different. Unlike the previous gods who could intervene in anything within their jurisdiction, abusing their divine rights and gaining strength through the worship of mortals, the new gods followed a different path. They didn't rely on the offerings of incense and prayers to enhance their divine power. Instead, they derived their power from specific professions.


For example, the God of Scholars, whose duty was to protect schools and care for students, could not gain power from these responsibilities. To become stronger, they had to study and gain knowledge.


This was the origin of Literary Qi. Cheng Aimin, who had been running a literary website for years and had a deep passion for teaching, had accumulated vast knowledge and experience. With his dedication to both learning and practice, his Literary Qi naturally manifested as his fundamental power. He adhered to righteousness, resisted evil, and could dispel monsters and demons.


Moreover, as long as Cheng Aimin persisted in his studies and didn't forget his foundation, his Literary Qi would gradually strengthen with the accumulation of knowledge and experience. In the future, he would have the opportunity to advance in godly rank.


The author mentioned: "I found a fantastic reading website: X Wuxia Novel Website. Address:"


However, regardless of Cheng Aimin's progress, his existence could not harm mortals. According to Zhang Kai's discovery through the Divine Seal List, if Cheng Aimin were to cause harm, he could be immediately dethroned, with no chance of redemption.


This discovery provided Zhang Kai with a deeper understanding of the Divine Seal List. In this age of the Dharma's decline, although it could recreate an era of cultivation, the dynamics had changed. The current system of sealing gods seemed to align better with the development of humanity and would not result in an imbalance where the gods dominated.


In other words, the Divine Seal List was no longer the same as it used to be. It was merely a bureaucratic institution, and the gods were like civil servants living off it.


This insight relieved Zhang Kai's concerns. He now had a clearer understanding of how to seal gods in the future. To seal a god, one needed a godly position. Without a godly position, even if one found a suitable candidate, they couldn't be sealed.


Without sealing gods, the spiritual energy couldn't grow, and Zhang Kai couldn't achieve longevity. The path of cultivation was long, and he still had much to learn.


Leaving these thoughts behind, Zhang Kai returned to Wudang Mountain. With the vastness of the world and gods not being particularly conspicuous, searching everywhere was like finding a needle in a haystack. It was time-consuming and had a low chance of success.


So, Zhang Kai decided to try his luck on Wudang Mountain, hoping to find abandoned godly positions left behind by old immortals.


However, when he saw Wudang Mountain again, Zhang Kai was taken aback. As a globally renowned tourist destination, Wudang Mountain naturally attracted a multitude of visitors. But this... it was beyond overwhelming.


A sea of people stretched as far as the eye could see, like an ant nest. It had multiplied by more than ten times compared to before.


"Damn, did they all bask in my glory?" Zhang Kai muttered to himself. "Too bad I can't charge them for endorsements."


With that thought, he strolled further. Not long after, his steps came to a halt when he saw a familiar face on Wudang Mountain the old fortune teller.


At this moment, the old man was reading the palm of a lady in traditional Chinese clothing, his expressions changing dramatically. This made the lady, whose hand he held, visibly nervous. She inquired, "What's wrong?"


"Not good, not good," the old fortune teller solemnly explained, "Your life line is incomplete, indicating that you will face a significant emotional crisis in your destiny. While not fatal, it could cause you great harm and even lead to missing an opportunity for wealth and prosperity."


The lady's face turned pale as she seemed to grasp the meaning. Anxious, she asked, "Master, what should I do?"


The old fortune teller smiled and said, "Don't panic. This crisis is not without a solution, though it may be challenging." He then looked at the lady.


The lady quickly understood and asked, "How much will it cost?"


The old fortune teller calmly replied, "The Dao does not seek wealth. Give as you wish."


The lady gritted her teeth and soon made a payment. "Alipay transfer completed. Two thousand yuan."


A faint sound emanated from the old fortune teller's body. It was so subtle that only Zhang Kai could hear it.


The old fortune teller wore a satisfied expression. Finally, he spoke, "Let me give you two pieces of advice: Serendipity sometimes runs its course, and you shouldn't take promises too seriously. Consider them carefully, and you will gain something."


The lady's face turned even paler, and she looked at the old fortune teller in shock, as if she couldn't believe how insightful he was.


Feeling uneasy, she turned and hurriedly walked down the mountain. Zhang Kai, who had witnessed the scene, approached the old fortune teller with a sly smile. "Business seems good, old man. You're not only touching people but also making money. Feeling good about it, huh?"


The old fortune teller glanced at Zhang Kai. "I earn a living through my skills, something a wealthy second-generation like you can't comprehend."


Zhang Kai nodded. "I admit that swindling people is indeed a valuable skill."


The old fortune teller frowned. "I don't like your tone. How do you know I'm swindling people?"


Zhang Kai pointed to a young man dressed in traditional Chinese clothing who was anxiously calling out and chasing after the lady. He then whispered to the old fortune teller, "Isn't it obvious?"


"Calling out loudly. You have a good eye. You just arrived, yet you can tell that this person is a freeloader by listening to my words? Tsk tsk, are all rich second-generations as good as you?" The old fortune teller seemed to have developed some respect for Zhang Kai.


"I've said it five times already, but I'm a legitimate first-generation wealthy individual. I've earned all my money through my own abilities, believe it or not," Zhang Kai replied with a smile.


"Fine, fine, fine. Young wealthy man, why are you here at Wudang Mountain again? Did you resolve your business issues? How much did you earn this time? I'd like to hear about it and envy you," the old fortune teller asked with a beaming smile.


In his narrowed eyes, a glint seemed to flash by, and then, his expression froze.


Zhang Kai felt a sudden surge of True Qi. Could this old man have acquired Daoist abilities? Was he an ordinary old man before this? Could it be that the resurgence of spiritual energy caused this change in him? It had only been a few days!


Zhang Kai was astonished but maintained a calm demeanor. "No earnings this time, in fact, I lost five million. However, the problem is resolved. Old man, Wudang Mountain seems livelier than ever. Has anything extraordinary happened here?"


"Extraordinary? It's all a result of publicity. Anyway, the more people, the more I earn. Young man, would you be interested in having a cup of tea with me? I have a rare hundred-year-old wild tea from Wudang. I usually don't like to share it," the old fortune teller said with a sly smile, his eyes seemingly trying to penetrate Zhang Kai's soul. He seemed to have noticed something unusual about him.


Zhang Kai felt somewhat uncomfortable with the old man's newfound enthusiasm. He couldn't help but wonder if the old man had discovered something about him.


"This old man suddenly became so hospitable. Could he have noticed something?" Zhang Kai thought to himself. "This old guy seems quite talented. Could he have acquired some Daoist abilities?"


Externally, he responded with a smile, "Sure, why not? Let's have some tea. I'd love to hear more about your life as an entrepreneur. How did you make so much money?"


The old fortune teller chuckled and said, "Alright, rich young man, what brings you back to Wudang Mountain this time? Did you resolve your business matters? How much did you earn? Share it with an old man like me so I can envy you."


Zhang Kai's expression was composed, but internally, he was in awe. This old man had undergone a significant transformation. Was it due to the resurgence of spiritual energy, or had he possessed hidden talents all along? It had only been a matter of days!


Zhang Kai was left bewildered, but he continued the conversation. "I didn't earn anything this time, and I actually lost five million. However, I managed to resolve the issue. Old man, Wudang Mountain seems to be even more bustling. Has anything out of the ordinary happened here?"


The old fortune teller's eyes narrowed, and a glint of understanding flashed through them. He then maintained a frozen expression, making Zhang Kai curious about what the old man had perceived.


As the two conversed, they walked together, their destination being the old fortune teller's place for tea.