"Wen Yao, I know we've had a lot of conflicts before. I know I bullied you and competed for favoritism since we were young. I've let you down all these years, but I beg you, please save me this time!"
Wen Rou was confined to the hospital bed and unable to move, so she could only reach out and hold onto Wen Yao's arm tightly, her face filled with pleading.
After being sent to Germany, she didn't know what she would face, but she knew from movies that the fate of the test subjects was never good, they all met a painful end.
Now she had no other choice but to ask for help from Wen Yao. Whether Wen Yao could save her was still unknown, but this was her only hope.
"I'm really begging you. I'll listen to you in the future. You can even make me your substitute, just don't let me go to Germany, the experiments of those pharmaceutical companies are so terrifying that you can't imagine it."
Watching the previously arrogant and dismissive Wen Rou plead so pitifully, Wen Yao knew how frightening the future events she would face were going to be.
She pushed away Wen Rou's hand and said, "Enough with the substitute. There's no guarantee that I can save you, but I will try. However, it's not for you."
It's because she couldn't stand by and watch the program group's inhumane actions. Since they had involved her, she couldn't tolerate their behavior any longer.
Grateful tears welled up in Wen Rou's eyes when she heard Wen Yao agree. "Wen Yao, I apologize for my immaturity in the past. I promise I won't do it again."
This time, Wen Rou's apology came from the heart and with sincerity.
After this deserted island trip, she realized the huge gap between her and Wen Yao. She was not even one-tenth of what Wen Yao was.
Wen Yao's success was not accidental, but inevitable.
Facing Wen Rou's apology, Wen Yao said, "Now is not the time for these words. What about Zheng Wen, who was taken away with you?"
"I don't know. I've been in this room ever since I woke up, and there's been no one else here."
"What else do you know?"
Wen Rou instinctively shook her head, trying to recall if she had missed anything. Suddenly, she paused and said, "Two days ago, I heard them saying they would send us to Germany a week later."
Two days ago, a week later would be five days from now, which is next Wednesday.
"Do you know the location in Germany?"
Wen Rou shook her head, having already told Wen Yao everything she knew.
Seeing this, Wen Yao cautioned her, "We're in Switzerland, and the laboratory is in Germany. Both places are thousands of miles away from China. To expose the program group's conspiracy and rescue you back to our country, we need the right moment and time. But before that, you must pretend that nothing has happened, that you haven't seen me, and you must not show any signs of suspicion, or else, not only you, even I will be in danger."
Wen Rou wasn't foolish. She quickly nodded and said, "Don't worry, I understand."
"Good, I'll leave now and find out more about the situation."
As Wen Yao turned to leave, she was called back by Wen Rou, who looked puzzled. Wen Rou said, "Take care of yourself."
Wen Yao was stunned for a moment and nodded.
After coming out of the room where Wen Rou was, Wen Yao wanted to find Zheng Wen, but she couldn't see him anywhere on the entire seventh floor. She guessed that Zheng Wen must be on the eighth floor. She intended to go upstairs, but at that moment, the sound of a door opening rang out.
Wen Yao quickly hid in a nearby door, but she unexpectedly found that it was a bathroom with an open window directly leading outside.
She quickly jumped out of the window.
Jumping from the seventh floor, even with Wen Yao's light skills, there was still a risk of getting injured. But luckily, a large statue of a man had been erected below. Wen Yao jumped onto the statue and then slid down to the ground safely.
After looking around, Wen Yao quickly returned to her own room.
When she returned to her room, it was not even four o'clock in the morning, but Wen Yao, who had not slept all night, was not at all tired. She reviewed everything she had just seen with her own eyes, her thoughts quickly spinning.
Being in a foreign country, not only was there a language barrier, she didn't even have any communication devices. It was the first time she had felt what it was like to be isolated and helpless.
Even knowing the tricks behind the production team, she didn't know how to proceed.
Wen Yao lay on the bed in despair, wracking her brains for ideas.
She thought, if this had happened in her home country, she would have definitely gathered evidence, sought out the media, exposed the situation, and reported it to the authorities.
Thinking of this, Wen Yao suddenly had an idea.
Her thinking was restricted due to her nationality, she had really been hit with too many shocks recently, and it had affected her judgment.
Regardless of the country, if you want to expose someone's conspiracy, you need strong evidence.
Furthermore, Huaguo is a socialist country that puts the people first. There have been numerous news reports about Huaguo students being threatened and killed abroad. Huaguo always protects them. It shouldn't be forgotten that "Deserted Island Survival" itself is a Huaguo variety show.
Not only is the production team all from Huaguo, the victims are also from Huaguo. The Huaguo government would definitely not sit idly by.
Her own strength could not handle them, but if she were to expose the situation in Huaguo, it would arouse public outrage, and the Huaguo government would definitely take this matter seriously and immediately intervene for an investigation.
With the power of the national government, this matter would be much easier to resolve.
Knowing what she should do, Wen Yao saw a glimmer of hope.
But before that, Wen Yao had to gather strong evidence. Otherwise, something so unbelievable would not be believed by the public based on mere words.
After much thought, Wen Yao felt that the most direct evidence would be to film the scenes of the laboratories on the seventh and eighth floors. But what could she use to film them?
She had to get a camera or a phone.
That wasn't too difficult.
The next morning, Wen Yao got up early in the morning, she acted as if nothing had happened, moving around and stretching, and warmly greeting people passing by.
Wen Yao was beautiful and charming, and most of the people in the crew were men. Men tend to have a natural fondness and goodwill towards good-looking women. So when Wen Yao greeted them, they responded warmly, and some even stopped to chat with her.
An unknown bald man in the team was especially enthusiastic towards Wen Yao. Afraid that Wen Yao wouldn't be accustomed to the Western-style breakfast, he even proactively took out some frozen custard buns he had brought from China to share with Wen Yao.
Wen Yao did not refuse, eating breakfast and sweetly saying, "Brother, you are so kind. I'm glad to have met you as a friend."
"Yao Yao, you don't know how much I like you. I am your most loyal fan. Can you give me an autograph?"
"Of course." Wen Yao said with a smile, then with a hint of regret on her face, "But I don't have a phone right now, otherwise, I could leave a contact."
The man was excited when Wen Yao actively offered to exchange contact information. He said, "It's okay, I can add you on WeChat, and when you get a phone, you can agree then."
"What's your number?" The man took out his phone.
"I'll input it myself."
The bald man eagerly handed his phone to Wen Yao, afraid that she might change her mind if he was a second late.
Wen Yao didn't immediately input her number, instead pretending to accidentally switch back to the desktop. After clumsily sliding the screen a few times, she turned off the screen.
Apologetically, she said, "Oops, I've been on this deserted island for too long, and I don't know how to use a phone. With the screen off, what's the unlock password, bro?"
A big star actively left her contact information, and the bald man didn't think too much. He quickly said, "721225, just in time for Christmas."
"That's next month. Notify me then."
Wen Yao continuously bombarded the bald man with sweet words, leaving him dizzy and disoriented.
She returned the phone to him and then asked, "By the way, how many floors does Director Zhou live on in the dormitory?"
"He's on the third floor."
"What about Screenwriter Liu?"
Wen Yao began to circle around and ask leading questions.
"He also lives on the third floor. The environment on the third and fourth floors is good. Those leaders all live on the third and fourth floors, only us little lackeys live on the first and second floors. Those floors are damp and infested with mosquitoes."
"Be careful, big brother. Also, I'm not familiar with this place, I don't speak the language, and I'm not accustomed to the food here. I don't want to bother Director Zhou when I have questions. Can I come to you for help?"
"Of course!" The bald man was more than happy to help a beautiful woman.
"Which room do you live in?"
"2012 on the second floor."
"Okay, I'll find you later, big brother, you're really kind-hearted."
"No problem, no problem, you're a young girl in a foreign country, it's only right for me to help."
"Thank you. I won't delay your work any longer. I'll go find Director Zhou and ask him when he'll send me back to my country."
"Alright, alright."
Wen Yao turned around and immediately put away her sweet smile, heading towards the office where Director Zhou was.
Zhou Zhen was just about to send someone to inform Wen Yao and Lu Yunxi, but then Wen Yao took the initiative to come.
Wen Yao didn't beat around the bush, and directly asked, "Director Zhou, have you contacted my agent? When can I go back to my country?"
Upon hearing this, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt happy.
Wen Yao taking the initiative to mention going back to her country indicated that she had already given up investigating the situation here.
He quickly replied, "You've come at the right time, I'll contact them right away."
Saying that, he began dialing the number, and soon the call was connected.
Ruihan Entertainment had been closely following the live broadcast of "Deserted Island Survival", so they knew about the incident that happened that day as soon as it occurred, and immediately informed Li Qing.
As Wen Yao's agent, Li Qing promptly contacted the production team, but they gave her a vague explanation. Li Qing immediately felt that something was amiss and reported it to the company.
The company immediately contacted the production team and it seemed like both sides discussed some special content. In the end, even Boss Han Muyao personally stepped in, taking a firm stand that Wen Yao must be safely sent back, and instructed Li Qing to establish contact with her before she returned.
So Li Qing had been waiting for a call from the production team.
After exchanging pleasantries with Zhou Zhen, Li Qing said, "Is Yao Yao there? I want to talk to her and ask about her recent situation."
"She's here, right in front of me. I'll pass the phone to her immediately."
The moment Wen Yao took the phone from Zhou Zhen, tears started flowing. With a choked voice, she said, "Sister Li."
Hearing Wen Yao's voice sound so weak and helpless for the first time, Li Qing was taken aback and quickly asked, "What's wrong, Yao Yao? Are you suffering? It's okay, it's okay, you'll be back soon."
Upon hearing this, Wen Yao cried even harder, of course, all of this was an act.
She said sorrowfully, "Sister Li, can the company send someone to pick me up?"
"The production team was supposed to send..." Before Li Qing finished speaking, someone came in. She looked up and, covering the phone, called out, "President Han, why are you here?"
Han Muyao gestured at the phone, indicating for Li Qing to hand it over to him.
"Hello Wen Yao, what do you want?" Wen Yao was stunned to hear a stranger's voice, and then said, "The experience during these days has had a great impact on me. Apart from you all, I don't trust anyone else, so can the company send someone to pick me up?"
Initially, it took them twenty hours to travel from Huaguo to the deserted island, and Switzerland should be closer, but estimated to take about a dozen hours. Wen Yao requested for someone to pick her up, in order to buy herself a little more time to stay here. Otherwise, the production team might send a helicopter to take them back to their country, and then she wouldn't have time to gather evidence.
During these days, Han Muyao had also been arranging for people to investigate the production team. Although there wasn't much progress, some clues had been found. So he felt that since Wen Yao was unreasonably dropping out of the program and suddenly making such a request, there must be a reason for it.
He said, "No problem, I happen to be coming to Switzerland on business the day after tomorrow, so I'll come over to pick you up then."
"That's great, the company is so good." Wen Yao expressed her gratitude.
"Pass the phone to Zhou Zhen."
Wen Yao handed the phone back to Zhou Zhen, and didn't know what Han Muyao and Zhou Zhen had discussed. She only saw Zhou Zhen nodding repeatedly, but with a furrowed brow.
After the call ended, Zhou Zhen's expression towards Wen Yao changed.
He originally thought that Wen Yao was just a small artist signed under Ruihan Entertainment, and that Ruihan only slightly valued her because they saw potential in her. But when it came to interests, it wasn't impossible for Ruihan to give up on Wen Yao. However, after the production team and Ruihan negotiated, the price went up to several billion, but the other party didn't agree. Furthermore, they took a tough stance, stating that no matter how much money was offered, Wen Yao couldn't "disappear" and must be safely sent back to her country, otherwise Ruihan would definitely get to the bottom of it.
Within the industry, Ruihan's attitude seemed somewhat unfeeling, and Zhou Zhen had been unable to understand the reason.
Now it became clear. It turned out that Wen Yao had a relationship with Han Muyao, and the relationship was good enough for Han Muyao to come and pick her up personally.
They had come close to kicking the iron plate, but luckily, that didn't happen.
Zhou Zhen said politely, "Yao Yao, President Han said he'll come to pick you up the day after tomorrow. You'll have to put up with this place for two more days."
"No problem, please help me arrange it, Director Zhou."
"No problem, it's our duty."
The two of them exchanged insincere pleasantries and then Wen Yao left and returned to her room.
When she returned to the room, Lu Yunxi was already waiting inside.
Wen Yao knew Lu Yunxi was waiting for news, but she didn't intend to tell Lu Yunxi everything.
It wasn't that she didn't trust Lu Yunxi, but the impact of this matter was too great. She feared that Lu Yunxi wouldn't be able to act as if nothing had happened, and besides, the more people who knew about this, the more dangerous it would be. She didn't want Lu Yunxi to be in any additional danger.
So, she skipped over the key parts and briefly mentioned a few things to get through it.
It was already past midnight. Instead of going directly to the seventh floor or the eighth floor, Wen Yao sneaked into room 2012.
The bald man was already fast asleep, and his phone was charging on the bedside.
She smoothly got hold of the phone, and the password for the phone was the same one the bald man had given her, in order to prevent cloud synchronization function.
She carefully turned off the network, restored the phone to factory settings, and then proceeded to the destination with the phone.