Chu Cheng's eyes went directly to his hand, then back to his lips, his temples pounding suddenly.
This guy had just fidgeted against the backrest, his tied-up hair a bit messy, his eyes hazy, and a bit of lubricant lingering on his lips, quite enticing.
Chu Cheng squinted, suppressing his agitation, "Sit properly, don't overstep your bounds."
Su Lanqiao sounded a disappointed "oh," tightened the cap in his hand, wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and then sneakily glanced at Chu Cheng.
He looks really good.
The man had short hair, revealing strong eyebrows and facial features. His profile had smooth lines, a slightly pursed mouth under a high nose, showing dominance.
Moving down, the protruding Adam's apple on his neck, with a slight movement, exuded extreme sexiness.
Staring for a few seconds, Su Lanqiao felt his palms getting damp, reluctantly taking his eyes off, afraid of revealing emotions in his gaze.
The trip lasted only about ten minutes and the car stopped steadily at the entrance to Chu Cheng's villa. Old Chen hesitated, not daring to interrupt the good thing happening in the backseat behind the partition.
Su Lanqiao looked at the half-closed eyes rubbing his temples, feeling that the silence was quite nice, and didn't say anything.
After a while of silence, Chu Cheng slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window, opened the car door handle, and said, "Get out when we're here."
Even those few words sounded excessively appealing to Su Lanqiao's ears.
He thought, next time bring a recording device to capture Chu Cheng's words and listen to them on repeat.
But he didn't know if there would be a next time.
Su Lanqiao sighed softly, stepping in with long legs, and looking at the layout of the house, trying to find any trace of other people.
The entire decoration had light gray marble walls, neatly placed dark-colored furniture, strictly proper. Just like Chu Cheng, no hint of liveliness.
For no apparent reason, he thought, living alone here must be a bit lonely, it would be nice if he could stay and accompany him.
Chu Cheng heard no sound behind him and turned back on the stairs, "Take a bath first? Go to the second floor, there's a guest room bathroom."
Su Lanqiao came to his senses, replied, and put the purchased lubricant in his coat pocket.
On the way here, he nervously used his phone to look up preparations and precautions, afraid of leaving a bad memory with Chu Cheng.
Chu Cheng raised his chin and roughly pointed in a direction, then went upstairs to the third floor.
Su Lanqiao's heart rate dropped and his face almost burned at the thought of what would happen later. He adjusted the water temperature, quickly showered, then opened the lubricant with a hint of shyness, only to realize an important issue.
He had no clothes.
Although undressing as a model had become a habit, it was a whole different matter at this moment, and he felt shy.
After some hesitation, he used the nearby bath towel to cover his lower body, made sure it was tight, then carried the bottle upstairs.
With each step, his heart beat quicker, suspecting that when he approached Chu Cheng, his heart would almost stop.
The entire third floor was Chu Cheng's master bedroom, grand and luxurious. He smoothed his half-damp hair, lifted his hand and knocked on the door.
A deep voice sounded, "Come in."
Pushing the door open, the room was filled with the refreshing scent of shower gel, and Su Lanqiao's gaze fell eagerly on Chu Cheng.
The man was sitting in a black bathrobe on a black leather chair, casually revealing a robust chest through the open collar, making one's mouth dry.
Chu Cheng held half a cigarette in his left hand, slightly glanced over, his dark eyes darkening a bit.
Su Lanqiao had seen this model's body during the day, a perfect figure that seemed heaven-sent. The only thing that wasn't hidden by the small towel added an extra layer of suggestive mystery.
The word "sensual" came to mind, tingling and tickling, and he grunted, "You really aren't shy, come over."
Su Lanqiao obediently took a few steps forward, slightly bent over to approach the relaxed man, and lightly touched his ear, "Mr. Chu, stop smoking and let's do something else."
The sound was light, like a cat's tail scratching an itch.
Chu Cheng stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray, then casually flicked his hand, causing the towel to fall to the ground, revealing everything.
At this point, there was no need for further hesitation. He firmly embraced the slender waist of the young model, inadvertently smudging the edge of his robe, a sticky and enticing sensation.
"You seem quite experienced, have you done this yourself?" Chu Cheng's voice was somewhat hoarse.
"Yeah, I learned it online." Su Lanqiao blushed slightly, unconsciously hugging the person in front of him, and took the initiative to offer his lips.
But he only dared to lightly touch, without taking the next step.
If he hadn't been determined to offer himself, he wouldn't have dared to tease Chu Cheng. This man was too imposing, he was afraid that a wrong move would make him leave in anger.
He cautiously probed, treading on thin ice.
Chu Cheng turned his head and fiercely bit the lips that had approached him, showing an irresistible dominance.
In truth, Chu Cheng was inexperienced too, even kissing felt unfamiliar, let alone progressing to the bedroom.
But the miraculous thing was that, once the arrow was on the string, they became adept without any guidance.
Once a monk has tasted meat, he can't go back to being a vegetarian; there were three times in one night.
That night, Chu Cheng slept exceptionally well.
Half-asleep, Su Lanqiao had just seen a woman being shattered by a car in one second, blood splattering everywhere, and in the next second, felt as if he were soaked in ice-cold water, his feet entangled in a huge iron chain, tightly restraining him, unable to move.
He struggled to breathe for a while, and with sweat pouring down, he opened his eyes and realized he had woken up in Chu Cheng's embrace.
This man almost suffocated him.
What happened just now was a dream, yet not quite.
The memories of when he was thirteen intermittently intruded into his dreams like a nightmare; each time he experienced this, it felt as dehydrating as sweating.
But this time, Chu Cheng was there.
He leaned in gently, breathing in Chu Cheng's scent deeply, a faint tobacco aroma that was comforting.
He didn't want to leave.
He checked his watch; it was almost six o'clock, and his flight was at nine.
Time passed, each ticking of the second hand making him increasingly restless.
Su Lanqiao's arm was numb from Chu Cheng's shoulder; the man slept soundly throughout.
He cautiously moved forward and gently touched Chu Cheng's lips, not daring to startle him. After pausing for a few seconds, he finally got up, carefully avoiding any noise.
His clothes from yesterday had been thoroughly soaked in the downpour and couldn't be worn.
Su Lanqiao walked leisurely to the adjacent room, opened the wardrobe, and found Chu Cheng's neat collection of black shirts and pants, as monotonous as a store display.
He casually picked a shirt and put it on, then selected a new outfit for Chu Cheng and carefully laid it out by the bedside.
Reluctant to leave, he looked at Chu Cheng for a while before picking up a pen from the table, leaving a note and tucking it into the suit pocket, then left the room with a backward glance.
Chu Cheng was awakened by the phone vibrating. Frowning, he picked it up, and his assistant Ling Feng's voice came through, "Mr. Chu, you have a meeting at ten. Are you coming to the office today?"
He glanced at his watch; it was half-past nine.
Damn, how did he manage to sleep in until this hour?
It was all because that young model was too...
Chu Cheng sat up and ran his hand through his short hair. The large bed was empty, not even a trace of a ghost.
Tsk, she's gone.
After freshening up, he noticed several faint scratch marks on his neck in the mirror, and was considering how to cover them when he saw the neatly placed suit on the bedside table.
Chu Cheng sneered, the young model was quite considerate.
After waiting for almost half an hour, Lao Chen managed to get him to the company just before ten o'clock.
Chu Cheng pushed open the door to the meeting room, and the chaotic room instantly fell silent. He took large steps to the chair at the center of the long table. "Let's begin the briefing."
Ling Feng nodded at the nearest plump man. "Then let's start with the branding department."
The brand director nervously presented the promotion plan for the new product, darting glances at Chu Cheng.
He had no expression on his face, exuding a forbidding atmosphere that made people uneasy, causing his voice to tremble even more.
"Haven't you had breakfast this morning? Speak louder." Chu Cheng banged the table in annoyance, ready to continue scolding when his phone in his suit pocket started vibrating.
Ling Feng whispered to remind him, "Mr. Chu, your phone is ringing."
Chu Cheng, gazing at the projection, pulled out his phone from the pocket. A note fluttered down, landing on the meeting table.
"I had a great time last night, you don't need to pay for the advertisement, consider it a five-star rating for Mr. Chu."
Ling Feng, with keen eyes, quickly read the entire content in a second and hastily snatched the note away.
Last night? Advertising fee? Five-star review?
His brain swiftly turned, and in an instant, he reached a conclusion: Chu slept with that model yesterday, seeming to have enjoyed it.
I'm truly a genius, Lingfeng smirked, then his expression changed in the next second.
Wait, this is quite an overload of information!
Should I be shocked that Chu is gay, or should I be shocked that this audacious model slept with Chu?
Struggling, he forced a smile as he looked at Chu, the sweat on his fingertips dampening the note a little, holding it tightly, afraid of being seen by others.
"What is it? Give it here." The phone's vibration had stopped, and Chu simply threw the phone aside, frowning at Lingfeng.
"Are you sure you want to see it?" Lingfeng swallowed nervously, stammering, "It's... it's not important, let's not look at it."
"I'll say it again, give it to me." Chu's voice grew deeper, causing the whole table to turn their heads, the familiar tone being all too known, this was the prelude to Chu's anger.
Lingfeng pinched the note and handed it over, saying with a wry smile, "It's just a joke, Chu, don't take it seriously, it's not good to upset yourself."
Chu lowered his eyes, earnestly read the text on it twice, ensuring he understood it correctly, barely being able to catch his breath.
So, not only did this model run after sleeping with him, but also treated him like an... escort???
Seems like he wanted to leave an impression, well, this certainly left a deep impression.