Seeing this situation, Wang Qian and I stood helplessly in the same place for a while, and then I said, "Forget it, let's go eat first."
"Okay," Wang Qian nodded and didn't say much.
But as I looked in the direction Mr. Li had left, I still had many questions. It was obvious that the old man knew something about Long Lanxiang, yet it was unclear why he was so afraid. Could it be that the name Long Lanxiang held some kind of taboo in the school?
Just as I was thinking this, Wang Qian suddenly asked, "Hey, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you today."
"Oh," I said, "Whatever you feel like treating me to, just go ahead and choose for me."
"You're so boring, no wonder few girls want to be with you," Wang Qian glanced at me and walked off on her own.
Hearing this, I felt somewhat unhappy, "Class Leader Wang, it's just a meal, where are you pulling this from? Aren't there also not many boys who want to be with you?"
Wang Qian suddenly stopped, staring at me with a murderous look, "What nonsense are you talking? I'm just aloof, I don't even look at them. You're talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth off."
"Damn," I couldn't help but cover my mouth, another person wanting to tear my mouth off. I was helpless, why did so many people have an issue with my mouth?
While talking, we had already reached outside the school. Wang Qian didn't ask me anymore, she went straight to a restaurant not far from the school.
At this moment, it was just before the evening study session, and the business at the restaurant outside the school had also reached its peak. Many students liked to eat at this time before going for the evening study session.
The restaurant where Wang Qian and I went was also packed, but fortunately, in the crowded crowd, we happened to find a table that someone had just left. As soon as we sat down, there were suddenly countless strange looks around us.
Turning my head, I felt uneasy. I hadn't expected that there were several boys who had pursued Wang Qian in this room, and at this moment, they were casting murderous looks at us.
There were also many students who looked at us with surprise and confusion, "Is that Wang Qian? Am I seeing things, she's actually out for a meal with a boy?"
There were quite a few exclaims of surprise like this, making me the center of attention all of a sudden, which made me extremely uncomfortable. The so-called "disaster of a beautiful woman", I now deeply understand the meaning of this phrase.
However, as a person of cultivation, the first thing I have to do is to remain calm. Upon hearing these voices, I also pretended not to hear, and began to quietly drink tea.
Soon, the food was served, and Wang Qian and I began to eat quietly. Wang Qian ordered a plate of vegetables, a plate of soup, and a plate of stir-fried pork intestines. The meal was not luxurious, but for students, it was quite extravagant.
In fact, although Wang Qian's family was not as good as Wang Ying's, it was definitely not much worse. But compared to Wang Ying, Wang Qian was completely different. Wang Ying was arrogant and extravagant, while Wang Qian, though wealthy, was very thrifty.
Seeing the table full of food, I was also satisfied and ready to start eating. But just as I extended my chopsticks, there was a sudden bang in the restaurant, followed by a series of screams. Upon hearing the noise, I thought there was a fight.
When I turned around, I saw someone at the table behind us fall down, and the person was shaking all over, foaming at the mouth, appearing to be suffering from food poisoning.
"What's going on?" asked Wang Qian.
I replied in confusion, "How would I know?"
At that moment, the person sitting with the one who had collapsed started shouting, "Boss, come over here!"
The boss, upon hearing the shout, rushed over in a panic, "What, what's going on?"
These people were furious, ready to pick up things and fight as if they were going to batter someone, "You heartless merchant, selling poisoned food? Are you trying to poison people to death? If something happens to my classmate today, you must take responsibility."
Amid their angry shouts, the restaurant descended into chaos.
However, the boss looked innocent, "Young man, I really have no idea what's going on, what do you mean? I can't quite understand. I'm not a dishonest merchant, I run my business with a conscience. There couldn't possibly be poison in this food."
"Don't you dare say there's no poison! My classmate is already poisoned, so how do you explain that?"
"I... I..." at this point, the boss looked embarrassed, his face flushed with anxiety.
Suddenly, Wang Qian pushed me, "What are you standing there for, go and take a look."
"Huh?" I looked at Wang Qian in disbelief, "Why would I need to see someone else's food poisoning? Do you think I have nothing better to do than to meddle in other people's business?"
Unexpectedly, Wang Qian suddenly stood up, hands on hips, "Whether you go or not, if you don't, you will clean the school after going back."
"I..." upon hearing this, I almost choked with laughter, "Alright, alright, Wang monitor, you're our monitor, can't I be scared of you?"
With that, I got up and walked over to the table where the incident had occurred. Just then the situation was about to get out of control, the people at that table had already picked up stools and were ready to start fighting. The restaurant owner, on the other hand, looked innocent, unable to say a word while standing in place.
At that moment, I suddenly said, "Go ahead and fight, go ahead and fight hard. Once you're done fighting, that person on the ground will be gone."
Hearing my words, everyone suddenly realized and quickly shouted, "Call an ambulance."
Thus, the conflict was easily resolved by me.
"Thank you, really thank you, young man," the boss came over, gratefully.
I couldn't help shaking my head and said, "It's just a small matter. By the way, boss, this poisoning incident can't possibly be related to you, right?"
"No way," the boss looked aggrieved. "I've always served honest meals at my restaurant. I even wash the dishes as clean as I do at home before I dare to sell them."
"Hmm," I became puzzled. "Then how did this person get poisoned for no reason?"
As I spoke, I comforted the boss, "Don't worry, boss. A clear conscience casts no shadows. Since it wasn't you, no one can wrongly accuse you."
As I spoke, my attention was inadvertently drawn to the dishes on the table where someone had been poisoned. Suddenly, I paused; why did I seem to smell a strange scent, faint yet distinct?
I walked up to the table and put my nose to the dishes. Suddenly, I was horrified; when I smelled the boiled fish on the table, I detected a strong odor of death.
What was going on?
"Where did you buy this fish?" I asked right away.
Upon hearing this, the boss hurriedly replied, "I bought it at the market. The fish seller said it's river fish from the river in our town."
"River fish?" I frowned slightly. It seemed that the boss was genuinely unaware. So, I immediately said, "You need to throw away all the river fish you bought and stop selling it to others, or else someone could really end up being poisoned to death."