Wensoft watched Sulan rush out, her speed indicating that she might not have just come from the hospital recently. But right now, she didn't care about Sulan. Her mind was full of one thought, "Lin Qinghan is here."
How could he be here?
Wasn't he the most averse to such banquets?
In the past, if it weren't for unavoidable circumstances, he would never have attended such events.
Let alone today, which was just Ji Xi's birthday--
If it had been Madam Ji's birthday or Mr. Ji's, she would have found it understandable if Lin Qinghan had come.
"You're not going?"
Seeing the woman beside him standing still, not intending to move forward, Ji Yan, for once, rarely spoke politely.
At these words, Wensoft came back to her senses. She shook off her incredulity and disbelief and regained her composure. Whether Lin Qinghan came or not, what did it have to do with her? After all, they were already divorced.
She turned to look at Ji Yan and asked, "Why should I go?" Remembering how Sulan had run off just now, she frowned and asked, "And you, why didn't you stop her?"
It was pitiful to be a backup to this extent.
Ji Yan looked at her in confusion, not seeming to understand what she was talking about. He was about to speak when, in the distance, the sound of high heels on the ground could be heard, Li Jiao and the others were approaching. When they appeared, he ignored them and left, hands in pockets, with an air of aloof indifference.
A truly proud and aloof appearance.
Warm soft also ignored Ji Yan, looked at Li Jiao and asked, "How did you come here?"
"Just waiting for you for half a day and didn't see you come out. I thought something happened to you." Zheng Fu took over the conversation and, looking at Ji Yan's departure, asked in a subdued voice, "Why are you with him?"
"I just came out and ran into him, and we chatted for a bit."
She didn't mention the previous incident with Su Lanlan to them, even though her relationship with Ji Yan was not good. He was already pitiful as a backup, so there was no need to add insult to injury.
"Ah, Ji Yan is perfect, but his eyes are a bit crippled." Zheng Fu sighed. "Otherwise, I really want to sleep with him."
Li Jiao glanced at Zheng Fu and said in a low voice, "Ji Yan is not a good-tempered person. If he hears that, you'll be in trouble."
Upon hearing this, Warm Soft remembered something. There was a girl in their circle who wanted to sleep with Ji Yan. At that time, Ji Yan was still young, probably around eighteen years old, just gaining a bit of popularity in the entertainment circle, but he was still just a typical little idol.
At that time, Ji Yan had just lost his parents.
He was temperamental, and after a quarrel with his relatives, he moved out of the family home. Although his name still bore the Ji family's name, in this influential circle of the city, no one really took him seriously.
That girl was also quite audacious and directly drugged Ji Yan at a party.
Sensing something was wrong, Ji Yan immediately poured a bucket of icy water over himself and regained his senses. Then, staggering, he grabbed a champagne bottle and smashed the girl's head.
That day.
She and Ji Xi were also at the bar.
It was her first time at a bar, and she had been caught red-handed by Lin Qinghan. Seeing his darkened face, she felt like crying. When Lin Qinghan caught her and they were returning home, they coincidentally passed by the box where Ji Yan was located.
Warm Soft still remembered Ji Yan from that day.
Drenched from head to toe, wearing just a plain white t-shirt that clung to his body, displaying his slender yet powerful figure, his chestnut hair dripping over his eyes, he held a champagne bottle soaked in blood. Amidst a group of screams, he slowly raised his gaze, looking in her direction.
It was a coldness she had never seen before.
Although Lin Qinghan often wore a stern face, he had grown accustomed to being reserved from childhood. Whether he was happy or not, he was always like that, a typical poker face.
But Ji Yan?
He was like a wolf cub that had emerged from a bloody battle, annihilating all emotions.
But this little wolf cub was still too young at that time. He had been drugged and had endured for so long that he fainted shortly after turning his head to look at her.
After all, he was the cousin of her best friend.
Warm Soft couldn't just leave him like that. She had originally wanted to go find Ji Xi.
But Ji Xi had gotten drunk that day and was acting crazy with Xu Zhi. She could only ask Lin Qinghan to take him to the hospital.
Later on.
The Ji family should have sorted out the matter.
And after that.
The girl went abroad for plastic surgery. By the time she returned, Ji Yan was no longer the same little idol as before.
At that time, Ji Yan dared to do such a thing even though he wasn't very famous yet. Not to mention, his popularity and influence had been growing in recent years. Even the Ji family had intentions of grooming him as the next family head.
Who would dare to provoke such a powerful person? It was like seeking death.
Zheng Fu probably also remembered this. She shrugged and paled a bit. "I was just talking nonsense. How could I actually go and seduce him? Even if Ji Yan didn't kill me, Ji Xi wouldn't let me off."
"It's better not to even have that idea," Li Jiao interrupted her. Seeing her shut her mouth and looking at Warm Soft, her expression now carried a hint of hesitation, and even her words came out with some reluctance. "You know that Lin Qinghan is here, right?"
Upon hearing this, Zheng Fu and Xia You turned to look directly at Warm Soft.
They were worried about her.
Warm Soft smiled, her eyes bright. "I know. Don't worry, I'm fine." She and Lin Qinghan were still in the city, and his grandfather was still there. She couldn't really cut off relations with the Lin family. Even if they didn't meet today, they would definitely meet in the future.
Thinking about her action to block Lin Qinghan, Warm Soft still felt a bit uneasy. This should have been the first time Lin Qinghan was blocked by someone. She didn't know if he was angry. It couldn't be that he came here today just to save face and reprimand her, right? But then again, it was unlikely. How could Lin Qinghan waste time on such matters?
He was a natural businessman.
He never wasted time on anything other than profit.
As for the two hours and the flowers from that day, it was probably just a whim. She didn't believe that Lin Qinghan really liked her or wanted to win her back. What he was doing now seemed more like a habit, not wanting to disrupt the status quo.
"Let's go."
Warm Soft lowered her eyes, smiled, and suppressed her thoughts.
As they walked out, they saw a group of people who had come to attend the banquet crowded together, desperately trying to get close to Lin Qinghan. The same people who had been wearing formal attire and jewelry and chatting lively just moments ago were now trying to push to the front to have a conversation with Lin Qinghan.
"Tsk, what a scene." Zheng Fu sneered. "If you didn't know, you'd think some bigshot had arrived."
Li Jiao glanced at her, holding a champagne glass that had just been brought over by a server, her voice cold. She was the only one among them who managed the company, so naturally, she knew more about Lin Qinghan's prowess. "In this city, Lin Qinghan is a bigger deal than those bigshots. With just a casual investment, he can save a bunch of companies."
"Not to mention—"
She paused for a moment, glanced toward Wen Ruan softly, and didn't say what she was about to say.
Many people who were willing to throw away their faces and overlook their status just to rush to Lin Qinghan's side did so not only because they wanted to befriend him and facilitate future cooperation, but also because Lin Qinghan was already divorced.
Single Lin Qinghan.
If she could marry him, she would become a proper Mrs. Lin.
How many women and families dreamed of this?
Previously, some in her family had mentioned to her to get in touch with Lin Qinghan more and become Mrs. Lin, but she hadn't agreed. Why should her value be determined by a man?
Putting the wine glass on the tray, she said to Wen Ruan, "Let's go, let's take a rest."
Wen Ruan nodded and smiled in response.
She didn't pay attention to the chaotic scene, didn't even glance over, but when she was about to go back to the rest room with Li Jiao and the others, the tightly packed circle suddenly moved.
It was too loud.
Even Wen Ruan couldn't help but glance over there.
She stopped, turned her head, and looked over. The men and women crowded around the edge slowly separated to reveal the original scene inside. Lin Qinghan's face couldn't be seen, only that he was surrounded by a group of socialites.
The same people who used to be ostentatious and domineering outside.
Now, they all had their heads down, with restrained and gentle smiles. They occasionally glanced at Lin Qinghan's direction, looking like shy young daughters.
Wen Ruan immediately understood upon seeing this.
No wonder it was so crowded - they were all vying for the position of Mrs. Lin.
But that had nothing to do with her.
Whether Lin Qinghan married or not, and who he married, had nothing to do with her.
Zheng Fu loved to join in the fun. Seeing this scene, she insisted on not leaving. Since Wen Ruan no longer liked Lin Qinghan, what harm could it do to watch the excitement? She pulled Wen Ruan's arm and said, "Come on, let's see who Lin Qinghan will choose."
Wen Ruan looked at her helplessly, but still stopped and looked over there.
The crowd was still dispersing to the side.
Lin Qinghan, with his imposing height, finally caught sight of Wen Ruan's figure. He didn't pay attention to the people around him, just walked forward with a clear and indifferent attitude. As long as he walked forward, no one dared to disturb him by talking to him.
They could only spread out to the side.
But everyone was staring at him, just like Zheng Fu and her friends. They wanted to know who Lin Qinghan would choose.
Su Lanlan was standing not far in front of Lin Qinghan, facing him. She was regretting coming late and not being able to squeeze in earlier. She never expected that Lin Qinghan would be walking towards her now. She was usually good at disguising her feelings.
But now she blushed and couldn't hide her excitement at all.
"What the heck?"
Zheng Fu cursed in a low voice, "Is Lin Qinghan going to be blind like Ji Yan? What's so good about this Su Lanlan? Does the man like this kind of green tea?"
Wen Ruan, seeing this scene, couldn't help but frown.
She didn't care who Lin Qinghan would be with, but as for this Su Lanlan, if Lin Qinghan was blind, she could let him be. She could just avoid them when she went to see Grandpa Lin in the future.
So as not to feel uncomfortable seeing them.
Other people seeing this scene also began to whisper, "I said before that the reason for Lin Qinghan's divorce was Su Lanlan. Could that really be the case? If it is, then Su's family will be well off."
"Brother Qinghan, you..."
Su Lanlan clasped her hands excitedly, and raised her slightly red face, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Lin Qinghan without blinking.
She wanted to say something else, but Lin Qinghan had already spoken.
He didn't look at her, just said calmly, "Excuse me, please move."
Su Lanlan seemed to have not heard clearly.
She blinked, looking at Lin Qinghan in astonishment. Had she misheard something? There were people beside her, and this was the only street. Lin Qinghan finally deigned to cast his noble gaze down, his expression emotionless as he looked at Su Lanlan, his brow furrowed looking a little impatient.
How would Su Lanlan withstand such a gaze from him?
Her face turned pale, and she moved away, feeling a little dazed.
Although there was still noise and discussion around, Lin Qinghan ignored them and walked straight forward, eventually stopping in front of Wen Ruan.
Without paying attention to the other people, Lin Qinghan lowered his head and looked at the bright woman in the middle throughout.
It was the first time he had called her name since they parted ways: "Wen Ruan."
The originally gathered group of people paused when they saw Lin Qinghan standing in front of Wen Ruan, and the murmurs could not be suppressed. The discussion arose one after another in the banquet hall, "What's going on? Didn't they both get divorced? Why is Lin Qinghan still looking for Wen Ruan?"
"Didn't everyone say it was Lin Qinghan who initiated the divorce? But looking at this situation, everything feels off."
Li Jiao and the others standing beside Wen Ruan were also startled by this turn of events.
So, what is this rich man, Mr. Lin, doing now? Abandoning all the flattery and attention at home, only to come specially to catch up with his ex-wife? Several people looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.
Wen Ruan was equally stunned by Lin Qinghan's actions. She raised her delicate little face and stared at him somewhat blankly, unsure of what Lin Qinghan was trying to do.
Since their divorce, they hadn't seen each other for almost half a month, and even when he came, he wanted to ask Wen Ruan why she had blocked him, why she wouldn't respond and just abruptly cut off contact.
Making it impossible for him to even reach out.
But seeing Wen Ruan in person, seeing the living, breathing Wen Ruan right in front of him rather than just a few photos on a cold screen, Lin Qinghan suddenly felt that his previous dissatisfaction and pent-up anger seemed less important.
He wanted to see her.
He wanted to talk to her.
He missed her a lot.
Since the separation, their past experiences seemed to emerge like tiny water droplets in front of his eyes and in his mind. These water droplets were originally very insignificant, like the everyday moments spent together. At first, you might not take it seriously.
But when they converged into a surging river, you would become at a loss.
The confusion, discomfort, and the emptiness in the deep of night during these days made him feel very uneasy. He wanted Wen Ruan to come back. He wanted to be able to hold her at night and have her kiss his chin in the morning, smiling and saying, "Good morning."
He wanted everything to return to the beginning.
Even at the cost of many sacrifices, he was willing.
Lin Qinghan looked at Wen Ruan and spoke, "Let's talk." He lowered his head and was not as stern as he usually was with others. At this moment, he looked rarely gentle, with even a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.
Before anyone could respond, Ji Xi came over. She had been with Mrs. Ji and a few elders earlier, but when she saw Wen Ruan and the others, she wanted to find an excuse to come over. However, there were too many onlookers, so it wasn't until now that she managed to squeeze through. Unexpectedly, she heard Lin Qinghan's words as soon as she arrived.
Her face immediately darkened. She walked directly to Wen Ruan, pulling her behind her, and scolded, with a suppressed voice, "Lin Qinghan, are you crazy? You've got divorced; why are you still bothering Soft Soft?"
"When you were together before, you didn't treasure her. Now you want to turn back?!"
"I'm telling you, you're dreaming!"
Although Li Jiao and the others didn't speak, they also instinctively protected Wen Ruan, even the usually timid Xia You.
The four of them formed a protective barrier around Wen Ruan.
Perhaps the thing Lin Qinghan has never lacked over the years is the threat from others. In recent years, he has cleaned house at the Lin family. In the company, there were many shareholders who were dissatisfied with his decisions and came with veiled threats to him.
And outside, there were even more.
In the past, he would be threatened every few days, but now it had become less and less. Lin Qinghan never paid attention to other people's threats, but seeing this scene in front of him did indeed surprise him.
For all these years, Wen Ruan had only had Ji Xi as a friend, and she had been very distant in her interactions with others. When did she make these friends? And how could they protect her like this?
Lin Qinghan suddenly felt like he didn't understand Wen Ruan at all.
They were standing a bit away from others and had kept their voices down, so naturally, no one could hear what they were saying. But the vigilantly waiting stance and the hostility towards Lin Qinghan were undoubtedly apparent.
Mrs. Ji thought they were just talking, but when she saw her precious daughter staring at Lin Qinghan like that, her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She quickly walked over, lowered her voice, and said, "Ji Xi, what are you doing?"
"Mr. Lin is a distinguished guest. It's fine if you don't entertain him properly, but also..."
She caught a glimpse of Wen Ruan behind her, but she didn't continue talking to her. She could only pull Ji Xi's arm and reprimand her in a low voice, "Apologize to Mr. Lin quickly."
Ji Xi widened her eyes, discontentedly, as if she didn't expect her usually doting mother to say such a thing, asking her to apologize to Lin Qinghan—dream on!
"You apologize if you want to, I won't." After saying this, she intended to take Wen Ruan upstairs. With the birthday party turning out like this, she had lost interest.
"You, you!"
Mrs. Ji was both angry and helpless. Knowing her daughter's temper and her relationship with Wen Ruan, everything she did now was to help Wen Ruan. She also felt sorry for her, having watched her grow up from childhood, and seeing her so unwell in these past few years made her feel miserable.
But who was Lin Qinghan?
The local tycoon, if they made him unhappy, what good would their Ji family have?
In recent years, the Ji family had been outwardly prosperous, but inside it was rotten. If Lin Qinghan were to do something to them at this time, they would have no room for resistance.
"Xiao Xi." Wen Ruan grabbed Ji Xi, who was almost out of breath, as if to comfort her, gently patting her arm until her labored breathing calmed down. Then she spoke, "It's okay; I'll talk to him."
"Soft Soft!"
Ji Xi frowned, and Li Jiao and the others also had the same worried expression.
Wen Ruan felt warm inside and gave them a calming smile, her voice soft. "It's okay; you guys continue to have fun. I'll come back in a bit." She let go and also apologized to Mrs. Ji, "Sorry, Auntie Ji."
Then, without looking at Lin Qinghan, she turned and walked straight to the Ji family's garden.
Seeing Wen Ruan's figure walking away, Lin Qinghan pursed his lips and said nothing, following the crowd out.
Only after their figures disappeared did the banquet hall again fill with lively discussions, even more intense than before. "What's going on? Could it be that they're planning to reunite?" After saying this, they wore an incredulous expression, "But this doesn't seem like Lin Qinghan's style."
“Who knows?”
“But one thing can be confirmed—”
Someone sneered with a white face still standing in place, "Some people, really just a big empty dream, futile efforts.”
Many of those attending the banquet today couldn't stand Su Lanlan. Just thinking of how Lin Qinghan had treated Su Lanlan earlier, they couldn't help but suppress their smiles. They all had similar status, so who was lower than whom?
At this moment, everyone was mocking each other without reservations.
Originally, Su Lanlan, who had a white face, suddenly turned pale and then flushed red. In the end, she couldn't hold it in and ran away with red eyes.
Zheng Fu saw this and chuckled, "Serves her right."
“She won't go crying to Brother Ji Yan again, will she?” Xia You frowned and said, clearly not liking Su Lanlan's behavior.
“If she wants to say, let her say. It's none of our business, is it? Besides, although Ji Yan is blind in one eye, he's not so oblivious,” said without having seen Ji Yan stand up for Su Lanlan in all these years, except for that time with Wen Ruan.
Not seeing any good drama, Zheng Fu spoke, "Let's go, let's rest for a while." After speaking, she saw Ji Xi and Li Jiao not moving. She looked over and saw them still frowning and looking at the direction of the garden, and said, "What's wrong? Even if Lin Qinghan is not a good person, he wouldn't hit a woman.”
Li Jiao turned her head, looking at her as if she were a fool, her face seeming to say, "Are you a pig?"
Not admitting she was a pig, Zheng Fu frowned, “I didn't say anything wrong. I think Lin Qinghan is still very good to Wen Ruan." After speaking, upon seeing Ji Xi and Li Jiao becoming even more displeased.
Xia You silently glanced at her, "I guess Little Xi and Jiao are worried about this."
What does that mean?
Sighing, Xia You continued, "According to the rumors in the city, as long as Lin Qinghan wants something, there is nothing he can't get. If he really wants to do something, the few of us probably won't be able to help Soft Sister." ??? !!!
After holding back for a long time, Zheng Fu could only blurt out, "Oh my god!"
Since coming out of the banquet hall, Wen Ruan had been walking forward. She was worried about being surrounded and also worried that her conversation with Lin Qinghan would be overheard by others. She didn't stop until she reached a secluded place.
The footsteps that had been following her finally stopped too.
The Ji family mansion was very large.
Madam Ji liked flowers and had this place renovated to be very exquisite. Besides the lush greenery, there were many gardenias placed there. The evening breeze lightly rustled, carrying the sweet scent of gardenias to Wen Ruan's nose.
She took a deep breath, smelling the scent of gardenias, and felt her emotions becoming calmer.
Without turning around, she spoke with her back to Lin Qinghan, "What do you want to talk to me about?"
Talk about what?
In fact, there were many things he wanted to say and ask. He wanted to ask how she had been lately, why she had blocked him, if she was still angry. But when he looked at her shadow in the moonlight, it all condensed into one sentence, "Ah Soft, I miss you."
Wen Ruan's figure stiffened.
She seemed as if she hadn't heard clearly, turning to look at him and asked in a hoarse voice, "What did you say?"
Seeing Wen Ruan's reaction, Lin Qinghan finally cracked a smile.
The night in April was still a bit chilly. He looked at her exposed slender neck and her fragile figure barely covered by her thin sleeves, raising his eyebrows. He took off his suit and draped it over her as before.
The words didn't stop, "I said I miss you."
Standing in the wind to shield her from the extra breeze, Lin Qinghan lowered his head, and the affectionate and gentle phoenix eyes gazed at Wen Ruan without a flicker.
He reached out to tuck her tousled hair behind her ear and continued, "I miss you very much. I thought I just couldn't get used to being away from you, that I would recover after some time, but then I realized it wasn't like that."
"It's not just because I'm used to it that I want you back by my side."
"I genuinely miss you, and I truly hope you can return to my side."
"Whether at the company or at home, on a business trip or in the city, I keep thinking of you. I know I did a lot of wrong things in the past, I'm not a qualified husband, I overlooked many things."
This was the first time Lin Qinghan had said such words and he felt very uncomfortable.
But as he looked at the face of Wen Ruan in the moonlight, the face that had been in his mind and dreams in recent days, he continued, "I hope you can give me another chance, I want to treat you well."
The difficult words had all been said.
The rest seemed to become much easier.
He looked at Wen Ruan, the tenderness in his eyes almost overflowing, even his voice softened unconsciously, "Wen Ruan, let’s start over, okay?"