A snake three meters long, maybe you wouldn't think anything of this sentence, but three meters is still shorter than a blackboard in a classroom. But when such a long snake is coiled in front of you, and its body nearly reaches your shoulder after standing up, I don't think you’d say "it's only three meters long" again.
Its head swayed from side to side, seemingly looking for the opportunity to attack me. I slowly bent over, arching my back completely. The paralysis in one of my legs made it very inconvenient for me to move, and the snake's attack was very swift. If it charged and bit me, I might not have time to react. So preempting its actions was crucial. I needed to predict which part it would attack in order to make the most rational evasion.
What also worried me was the beast-bone dagger in my hand. It was indeed very sharp, having been used to attack the Pale Face Monster, and had blood grooves carved. However, compared to that, the skin of the big black snake seemed rougher and harder, so it was a question whether my dagger could penetrate its skin. If I had to strike, the spot to penetrate had to be its belly. A snake's belly is very fragile, much like most other fierce beasts.
Lastly, how to deliver a fatal blow. I was very clear that even if I severed the snake's head, its body and head could still move, due to its nervous system. If inattentive, even after severing its head, I could still be bitten. Therefore, the big snake had to be struck at its heart, that is, the snake's heart. After piercing its heart, I needed to move away from it until it died.
These thoughts were complex, but at that moment, they passed through my mind in an instant.
I moved slowly, trying not to let this big guy figure out that one of my legs was already numb.
It wasn't in a hurry to attack, very patient, patient like a very experienced old hunter. In contrast, I appeared much more immature, feeling impatient, sweat was already beading on my forehead.
"Why hasn't it attacked yet?"
I thought to myself, in this situation, whoever made the first move would lose.
In the forest, a man and a snake were staring at each other. Perhaps life and death would be decided in an instant, but the confrontation before the fight made me feel extremely long.
The injury to my leg became more serious. My entire leg was completely numb, and it was getting harder to walk. What's worse, the venom began to affect my brain, causing the images in front of my eyes to slowly appear as double vision. I couldn't wait any longer. If I didn't make a move now, I wouldn't have the strength to fight back later!
I had to take a risk, all or nothing. Clutching the dagger, I suddenly let out a low growl, and with all my strength, I rushed over. The big black snake slyly stepped back, obviously trying to make me miss. But I wasn't that foolish. It appeared like a sudden rush, reminiscent of a bull, but it was just a feint. At the moment it retreated, I also stopped my movement, thanks to the numbness in my body. My charge lacked momentum because of the immobile leg!
I adjusted my wrist and stabbed the dagger into the snake's head. I didn't care about the seven-inch target anymore. All that mattered was piercing its body or its head – that would be a victory!
However, the result was not as good as I had hoped. Its body suddenly lunged forward, wrapping around my arm and tightening its muscles, effectively immobilizing my entire arm. The pressure forced me to release my grip, and the bone dagger fell to the ground.
My arm felt like it was no longer mine, muscles swollen and discolored. The snake's sharp head was dangerously close, its venomous fangs poised to strike my neck. I could see the venom glands in its teeth up close!
I cursed, feeling my life was over—the creature would surely end my existence with a single bite! Despite my efforts, the primitive beast had outsmarted me.
The snake's purple tongue slowly extended from its mouth, not immediately attacking. I didn't know if it was savoring my despair before my demise, or hesitating to fully constrict my arm before delivering the fatal bite.
"I can't give up, I have to live!"
The human will to survive is indescribable, but for me, staying alive was the most crucial thing. Even if one were to become a wandering spirit after death, it was better than having nothing. Even if we only had a hundred years of life, those years were invaluable.
In a desperate bid for survival, I dragged the three-meter snake forward, despite my weak leg. I stumbled and fell, but it brought me an opportunity! The bone dagger lay nearby, and using my good hand, I grabbed it and thrust it towards the snake's head.
The snake, startled, attacked me, biting into the juncture of my neck and shoulder, injecting venom into my body. But I didn't care; the sharp dagger pierced the snake's neck from the side. But to my surprise, it was repelled with a "ding" sound! Just as I suspected, the snake's skin was as hard as rock.
I missed my chance, but regardless of the pain from being bitten, I flipped over and attacked. With my head down and my body arched, I exposed the snake's belly!
This was my last chance to kill it. If I missed this strike, I was doomed. The venom injected into me during the prolonged struggle meant my chances of survival were slim. But even at the brink of death, I was going to take it down with me!
"F***, I'm taking you down!"
I shouted, and the snake, sensing danger, tried to pull back but it was too late. The dagger pierced the underside of its head, pinning the huge snake to the ground.
The agonized snake thrashed wildly on the ground after I released my grip, but I held on, using all my strength. Its thrashing intensified, but I couldn't let go and waste my efforts.
My strength was fading, and the snake's life was ebbing away. This grueling battle was reaching its climax. The three-meter-long body thrashed violently on the ground, and strange liquid, mixed with blood, flowed out of its mouth and formed a puddle.
"Damn, quickly…"
I couldn't hold out any longer. I let go and collapsed to the ground, seeing the snake still beside me, but my vision was fading. The world spun, and I couldn’t distinguish between day and night. The venom was wreaking havoc in my body, and my life was nearing its end.
Most people go through life without such an experience - dying once, or in simpler terms, experiencing near-death.
I could see nothing but darkness, unable to feel my head and body. Yet, I saw a faint beam of light. It felt strange; I couldn't feel myself, yet I knew I was there.
The light was dim, yet it seemed close and far away at the same time. I could hear voices, but they were indistinct, chaotic, and loud. Only when one truly experiences death do they realize it's not as terrifying as imagined. Everyone fears the day they will die, yet when they cross that line, they realize it's just that.
I wanted to be at peace, feeling weary and wanting to sleep. But I didn't know how to fall asleep, how to make the light disappear.
I have no body and therefore no hands, I just look at everything in front of me, whether it's darkness or light, it's all meaningless.
The chaotic sounds seemed to grow louder, but I didn't feel annoyed at all, because it seemed like I was about to fall asleep soon.
A short life, but quite eventful.
As I thought that, suddenly, a shout rang in my ears!
"Ba Xiaoshan!"
I opened my eyes suddenly, the light still in front of me, but it had turned into a flickering torch, and the face I could see in the light was round!
"You fucking woke up, damn it, you scared the hell out of me!"
I heard the cursing, the voice was very familiar, I had been hearing it for over ten years.
The fat guy was holding a torch and standing next to me.